How to Create a Vision Board

Vision Board

Without vision, people perish. Proverbs 11:8


“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” – Epictetus

Here’s a tool I wished I had learned earlier in my life.

Vision Boards

Your mind will work towards whatever it can see or visualize. John Assaraf’s book The Complete Vision Board Kit is the best source for learning about and creating vision boards. In the most basic sense, a vision board is a flat surface onto which you paste a collage of pictures that represent the life you want to be living. For example:

  • the house you want to live in;
  • the car you want to drive;
  • the relationship(s) you want to be in;
  • the family life you want to have;
  • the adventures you want to experience;
  • the accomplishments you want to achieve;
  • the kind of person you want to be;
  • the kind of difference you want to make in the world.

The stories we tell ourselves shape our lives. They shape who we believe we are, and this belief translates into who we become. A Vision Board is a story in pictures of your life – of the life you want.

John tells an amazing story of the home he purchased when he moved to Indiana. He had actually visualized it, on a posterboard, years before. Almost exactly. He subconsciously worked toward achieving that vision. And that’s just one example.

I keep my vision board on my iPad. I can pull it up and look at it no matter where I am. This keeps my vision in front of me all the time.

There are eight basic ingredients that figure into the process of making a vision board and using it to realize your dreams:

  1. Goals and Dreams
  2. Intention
  3. Visualization
  4. Beliefs
  5. Affirmations
  6. Meditation
  7. Positive Action
  8. Gratitude

These ingredients become seeds of intention. When you set your intention on a specific image then your mind works toward that intention.

Intention is the beginning of all achievement, accomplishment and fulfillment.

When you put your intention into pictures you know look at things – your life – differently. Visualization of your life allows your mind to “see it” before it becomes reality. And your subconscious begins to work toward that new reality.

The belief precedes the feat. Which means you must believe (see) your new reality in order to change your limiting beliefs in order to live the life of your dreams. 

The Power of Vision

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29.

Your vision starts by identifying your goals and dreams.

Your goals and dreams might include material things and possession; or feelings, like strength, peace, or serenity. They might include things you want to accomplish or positions you want to have. They might be goals related to your professional life, or personal life or romantic life. Here are a few categories that might help to get your imagination going:

  • Your personal goals and aspirations- things you want to do
  • Your relationships and the kinds of people you want to know
  • Your family
  • Your health
  • Your wealth
  • Your career, accomplishments, and impact on the world
  • Your spiritual life and sense of connection with the absolute

Let yourself go big here. Don’t limit this to what you think you can reasonably do. Your subconscious doesn’t think reasonably; it will chase down whatever dream you tell it to.

Make Your Vision Board

The next step is to find some great images that represent those big dreams that you have in your head. There’s nothing magical about doing this. Collect the images that reflect your intention. Paste them on a poster board. Paste them on a page on your computer or iPad. Arrange them in a way that is meaningful for you.

Take time to reflect on these images. Visualize achieving these things you want in your life.

Now you have two critical components: intention and visualization.

Put your dreams to action by watering and weeding your Vision Board. Weed out seeds of doubt that creep in. Whenever negativity creeps in you have to squash it. Turn thoughts of doubt (I can’t do this) into thoughts of accomplishment (I have done this).

Negativity will kill any dream, you must be on guard against it.

Second, practice gratitude. Clothe every wish, vision, moment and possession with extreme gratitude. Even if you feel you have little or have accomplished little in fact you have much. You have much opportunity ahead of you. Practice gratitude for all those things you have now and will have in the future.

It’s not too late to achieve great things in your life. The point is to start. Make the decision to do it…today.

Pick up John’s book The Complete Vision Board Kit to learn even more details about how to accomplish even your wildest dreams.


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