Wealth is a Life Well Lived - Break the Tape!

Welcome to Break the Tape

Life is meant to lived until the end. It doesn’t stop at “retirement.” Retirement means “to put out of use.” I have no intention of ever being out of use. My goal is to SPRINT across the finish line – to break the tape – not to limp or crawl under it. I intend to live a wealthy life until it is over…on my terms.
What does your second half look like?

What does it mean to Break the Tape?

Hell on earth is being on your deathbed and in walks the man you could have been. Do you recognize that person? Most of us won’t.
I’ve found we get so caught up in busyness of life we lose sight of our purpose, the ultimate goals of our lives. Then we ultimately find ourselves behind where we want to be in life. But it’s not too late.
The intersection of your core self, your financial freedom, and your realm are so closely related that if any one of them is out of whack you won’t be able to live your true purpose.
And living your true purpose is the definition of freedom, fulfillment and a WEALTHY live.
Breaking the tape is being the master of three key domains of your life:

Financially Secure

Master your money for yourself, your family and your future. You will never be a burden on others. You’ll be able to do whatever you want without reliance on the government or others. You’re completely self sufficient.

Physically Able

Healthy and fit. You can join Peter Attia’s 80-year old Olympics. Mental and physical health are within your control – chronic illnesses, cardiac, obesity, diabetes, muscle mass, etc. It’s not as hard as you think.

Purpose & Intention

Retirement means to put out of use. This is not you. You are made to contribute and add value throughout your life. Maybe it looks different, but always with purpose and intention. On your terms and timeline. 

5 Steps to build wealth fast

Get the free 5-day email course Wealth Acceleration Secrets: 5 Steps To Transform Your Financial Future & Build Wealth Fast—Even If You’re Starting Late In Your 40s or 50s (Without Living Like a Miser).

The median net worth for 45-54 year olds is less than $250k, with only $150-250k in 401(k) savings. Quite simply, this is not enough to have a wealthy retirement. Time is not on your side, but you do have some time to solve the problem.

By using these 5 steps you can transform your financial future to create a life free from financial stress, achieve financial security, and be confident in your ability to retire wealthy.

Break the tape with me

Hi, I’m Lloyd,
Personally, I’m on a mission to help people, like you, achieve amazing success in life. I’m on my own journey to break the tape, to finish strong financially, physically and by living my true purpose. I invite you to join me on that journey. 
For most people, I’ve found that journey begins with mastering your money. Money is simply the fuel to live your wealthy life. Money is like oxygen, it’s hard to live without. Plus it allows you the freedom and confidence in all other areas of your life. 
If we can get remove your financial stress, there’s so much more opportunity available to you to live a rich, abundant life and leave a lasting legacy.

10 Years from today

Image you are sitting here 10 years from today. What do you want your life to look like? Take a piece of paper and write it out. Describe it in great detail. What 3-7 goals do you want to have accomplished?
On your current path, how likely are you to achieve that life? Or, do you need to do need to make a change? In 10 years the status quo can be devastating…and it will be too late. Right now, you still have time to achieve financial, time and purpose freedom. But you no longer have time to waste.
Live your life free from financial stress. Unlock true freedom of money, time and purpose. Take the first step today to Master Your Money.

Are you going to break the tape or limp across?

When you’re ready, there are three ways I can help you break the tape.

Master Your Money Skill Sessions

Mastering your money is simple, but not easy. I’ve created several Skill Sessions you can do on your on, at your pace, on your schedule. Most start with Cash Flow Mastery, then move to other sessions to round out Master Your Money skills. 

On-Track One-on-One Live Call


Sometimes you just want to know if you are on track. On track for retirement, goals, desires, and more. Are you saving enough, investing appropriately, planning well? Are you on track? This one-on-one call will get your that answer.

Master Your Money Newsletter

Master Your Money newsletter is a weekly email highlighting a specific visual to help you Master Your Money. These are easily to read, quick to absorb, and often have an actionable element to help you Master Your Money quickly and consistently.

Master Your Money

Join countless others on their journey to financial freedom. Each week youi’ll get a financial principle easily understood and through unique visual charts. Each chart explains in simple terms a principle of wealth building you can apply to your own situation.

Plus, you will also receive the free guide How to Avoid the Nine Wealth Destroyers. This simple ebook walks you through the nine elements eroding your wealth and what to do about it.